January 2021
As we begin a new year, we look back at 2020 and can't help but thank God for people like you. We have endured and overcome many obstacles this past year. We faced the realization of how vulnerable we are as a society.

When not just our surroundings, but the entire world seems in chaos, let us remember the words of our Lord Jesus Christ:
"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me.
Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows.
But take heart (courage) because I have overcome the world."
John 16:33
As we look back, we are emboldened to press on - we take courage because we know that He (Jesus) has overcome the world. We know that He was faithful yesterday, He is faithful today, and He will be faithful tomorrow. Our hope is found in Him and on nothing else.
The fact that you are reading this letter should serve as a testimony of His fidelity.

Through these difficult times, Care Drops International (CDI) was able to help many of our brothers and sisters here, in the United States, and abroad.
For a long period during the pandemic, the Honduran government restricted people to their homes, allowing them to come out only once every fifteen days. The most affected by this ordinance were those living in cities.
Our team delivered hundreds of "solidarity" bags to help meet their needs during the closure. These bags consisted of essential consumables and toiletries.
Also, the closure forced many businesses to shut their doors, leaving many without jobs. CDI was able to help many families cover their rent and utilities.

Your generosity never ceases to amaze us. We saw an impressive response when we took on the challenge of sending a container of clothing and household items to the people of Honduras after the massive destruction caused by Hurricanes Eta and Iot
Before the closure of schools, our special needs group celebrated the local holiday "Día del Niño- Day of the Child" as the little princes and princesses that they are. We provided gifts, food, and festivities for them to enjoy.

We also blessed the indigenous tribe of the Tolupanes by helping construct an annex to their one-room school. The tribe will use this new facility to serve children their daily lunch during school-time.
Hurricanes Eta and Iota damaged thirty-three homes in this community. We are currently seeking ways to replace the zinc-plated sheets used as roofs damaged by the storms.
Finishing the school year for our scholarship students became very challenging.
The school closed soon after the pandemic began, making communicating with their teachers nearly impossible due to the lack of internet in the mountains where the students lived. More information about the scholarship program is pending.
In Longview, God used Treasures Resale Store to bless people who needed furniture, clothing, shoes, and other household items.

In summary, because of your giving, many now have food, clothing, a bed to sleep on, shoes, deodorant, shampoo, electricity, and a blanket. More importantly, people were reminded of God's love and provision. He is our peace, and in Him we find refuge.
Your giving hand has comforted many in Longview and Honduras.

Thank you for your trust and your friendship.
We pray blessings over you so that you can continue to sow in The Kingdom.
David & Irma Ortega
Isaiah 58:10 (NLT)
Feed the hungry,
and help those in trouble.
Then your light will shine out from the darkness,
and the darkness around you will be as bright